Bay parking

Bay parking

There are no rules to the bay parking manoeuvre as such, although during the driving test, the examiner will be looking for you to demonstrate 3 key points. These are: Accuracy – To successfully park in a bay within the lines and not too close to a car on either side. Control – By keeping the cars …

Emergency service vehicles

How to react to emergency service vehicles

Should you drive onto the pavement to get out of the way of an ambulance? Go past a red light to make room for a fire engine? Is it ok to drive into a bus lane when there are blue lights behind you? Or do you stay where you are and risk blocking the emergency …

How to choose a driving instructor

How to choose a driving instructor

How to choose a driving instructorIt’s important to take your time over choosing a qualified driving instructor or driving school. After all, you could be sitting next to him or her for upwards of 40 hours, maybe be sharing some challenging times learning to cope with today’s busy roads and spending over £1k on your …

Crossroads - driving lesson

Crossroads – who goes first?

Crossroads often confuse learner drivers. They arrive at a crossroads, there’s a car opposite them and they don’t know who should go first. Hesitation ensues and if one driver doesn’t know what the other driver is going to do a simple meeting situation can become dangerous. During your driving test the examiner will certainly want …

Pass your driving test first time

Are you ready to take your driving test?

Everybody wants to take their driving test as soon as they can. Driving lessons are expensive (up to £40 per hour) so it’s not surprising, especially in the current economic climate, that learner drivers want to take as few lessons as possible. And who wants to take the bus or keep asking for lifts a …

Observations at junctions

The most common reason for failing a driving testFor many years, the number one reason for failing a driving test has been poor or inadequate obervations at junctions.1 All the most common reasons for failing a driving test – and how to avoid them! A junction is defined as any place where one road joins …

Roundabouts – a complete guide

This useful article (which includes videos) explains how learner drivers should approach roundabouts, which lane to be in and how to spot gaps in traffic.