Should you drive onto the pavement to get out of the way of an ambulance? Go past a red light to make room for a fire engine? Is it ok to drive into a bus lane when there are blue lights behind you?
Or do you stay where you are and risk blocking the emergency vehicle's way?
The fact is, many drivers don't know what to do when emergency services vehicles approach them.
What you should do.
First all, don't panic.
Follow the rules of the Highway Code, like speed limits and traffic lights. So no driving onto the pavement, onto grass verges (they may have concealed dangers like ditches), no speeding, going into bus lanes or stopping in the middle of a junction. Remember that drivers of emergency vehicles are highly trained professionals. They are used to dealing with awkward situations and are allowed to use bus lanes and go through red traffic lights. You are not!
You should slow down or stop to leave a clear path, but do not endanger other road users. If you need to, turn off the road you're on to let the emergency services vehicle pass.
Indicate if necessary to let other road users and the emergency services vehicle know what you're doing and before you move off again, check your mirrors.
This video explains exactly what you should - and shouldn't do - when dealing with an police car, ambulance or fire engine that is on a emergency call.