The ten most common ways to fail a driving test
The number of ways today's learner drivers can fail has multiplied greatly since their parents took their driving tests – and contrary to what our elders and betters like to tell us, the test hasn’t got easier.
The high density of traffic on the roads today, complicated traffic systems plus the hundreds of rules and regulations that are designed to keep us safe on the roads mean that learning to drive – and passing a driving test – is tougher and more complicated than ever.
How we can help you get your driving licence.
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The most common faults that people make that cause them to fail their driving tests are described in full below. But one reason for failing that you won't see in the list is feeling nervous.
Being a bit tense before your driving test is normal but you have to keep your feelings under control.
Nervousness by itself won't make you fail, (everyone feels a bit nervous before taking a driving test), but if you're feeling anxious during the driving test it may mean you weren't ready to take it.
So it's vital that you take your instructor's advice - he or she will let you know when you're ready to drive on your own - without any help - and help you overcome any pre-test nerves.
How to beat driving test nerves.
Getting extra practice in-between your driving lessons is also very important if you want to feel relaxed and confident on the day of your test. Getting insurance to drive a parent's or friend's car may be cheaper than you think, too.
Short term learner driver insurance - get a discount and/or a shopping voucher when you buy insurance via this link.
Driving test faults - the difference between dangerous, serious and not serious
Before we list the most common faults that result in driving test failure, it may be useful to know how examiners mark faults - what makes a fault serious? Or not serious?
The difference between driving faults, serious faults and dangerous faults
- a driving fault – this is a fault that’s not potentially dangerous, but if you make the same fault throughout your test it could become a serious fault
- a serious fault – this is something that could potentially be dangerous
- a dangerous fault – involves actual danger to you, the examiner, the public or property.
When an examiner sees something that falls short of perfection (for example, stalling when moving away from traffic lights) he or she will decide on the seriousness of the fault by using the flow chart below.
You will see how something as simple as a stall could be assessed as either 'not worthy', a driving fault, a serious fault or even a dangerous fault, depending on the situation and the effect it had on other road users.
By the way, you can make up to fifteen faults and still pass - although anyone who makes fifteen mistakes in a 40 minute driving test probably shouldn't be driving on their own anyway! But just one serious or dangerous fault will result in the examiner saying 'sorry, you haven't met the required standard on this occasion'.

The most common faults that result in driving test failure
The Drivers and Vehicle Standards Agency (the DVSA) have published the top ten reasons for failing a driving test between 2007 and 2023.
Over the years, the same errors turn up with depressing regularity. Between April 2023 and March 2024 the top ten were:
1. Not making effective observations at junctions
2. Not using mirrors correctly when changing direction
4. Incorrect positioning when turning right at junctions
5. Not responding appropriately to traffic lights
6. Not having proper control of the steering
7. Not responding correctly to traffic signs
8. Not responding correctly to road markings
9. Poor positioning on the road during normal driving
10. Not driving at a safe and reasonable speed
Source: DVSA, Top Ten faults made in driving tests, September 2024
Follow the links above to see a full and very detailed explanation of the faults on the DVSA website.
My own observations on these faults - and others - are below.
1. Observation at junctions. Not looking both ways before emerging (especially not looking left when emerging left); failing to look into the road you're turning into before you turn. And remember, roundabouts are junctions, too.
This article explains everything you need to know about observations at junctions.
What might happen if you don't take careful observations - WARNING - scary video!
2. Use of mirrors. Failing to check your mirrors BEFORE changing direction or speed - or failing to act on any information your mirrors give you (e.g. a car behind overtaking you) is a really common driving fault and results in many 'accidents' on the road.
3. Turning right. Waiting to turn in the wrong place and holding up traffic behind you, waiting too far right and getting in the way of traffic coming towards you, not looking into the road you're turning into and making an approaching vehicle slow down to let you turn are all very common mistakes.
4. Response to signals (traffic lights). Failing to stop at a red light, moving off before the light goes green, failing to stop at an amber light when it was safe to do so, not reacting appropriately to green filter arrows and even stopping at a green lights are, sadly, very common.
5. Poor steering. Although their are no rules about how to hold the steering wheel or how to use it (you CAN cross your hands or even drive with one hand providing you don't lose control), letting the steering wheel spin back on its own after turning a corner, steering too late or too soon can cause danger to other road users or pedestrians.
6. Response to signal (traffic signs). The obvious one here is exceeding the speed limit. Some unsuccessful candidates have also tried (or even succeeded!) in turning into roads marked 'No Entry' or ignoring signs that indicate priority ('Give Way to Oncoming Vehicles etc)
7. Response to signals (road markings). These are some of the most common reasons for getting a fault in this section:
- Not acting in accordance with lane direction arrows.
- Crossing or straddling double white lines.
- Driving in a bus lane at prohibited times.
- Parking on double yellow lines.
- Ignoring box junction markings.
- Stopping on worded markings such as “Keep Clear”.
- Parking on zigzag lines.
8/10. Moving away safely and in control. Forgetting to use first gear, rolling backwards or failing to check blind spots before moving away all crop up regularly.
9. Positioning (normal driving). The examiner is expecting you to:
- Keep your car in the centre of the left hand side of the road unless the road is particularly wide in which case keep to the left about a metre from the kerb
- Adjust your position as necessary so that you can safely deal with hazards ahead and behind
- Avoid moving in and out between parked cars unnecessarily
- Position yourself in the correct lane early and avoid unnecessary lane changes
- Keep to the middle of any lane markings if possible
- Only use the right hand lane or lanes on a dual carriageway for overtaking or turning right unless road markings or signs indicate otherwise.
Common faults:
- Driving too close to the left hand kerb.
- Driving too far out towards the middle of the road
- Unnecessarily moving in and out between parked cars.
How not to make *any* faults and pass your driving test!
As you can see, the most common ways to fail a driving test are pretty basic errors and they're easily avoidable.
The tips below don't just relate to the top ten reasons for failing but they will help you become a safer, more skilful driver in lots of different ways.
There's one more thing you can do that will boost your chances of passing your driving test first time - practice in-between driving lessons. People who drive with parents or partners in-between their driving lessons are 1.4 times more likely to pass that people who only have driving lessons.1
Observation at junctions. It’s no use driving up to a give way line, stopping and then assessing the road. If possible, you need to be looking at the traffic in both directions at least 5 seconds before you reach the give way, if not sooner. If everything is clear, you can simply slow down a little and pull straight out. This shows the examiner that you can drive smoothly and read the road ahead appropriately. If the junction is partially obscured and you can’t see the road, then stopping might be your only option. There’s nothing wrong with this, as long as you don’t wait too long at the junction and hold other people up. Move out as soon as a suitable gap in the traffic appears; hesitancy will count against you.
Reversing parking. Full details on all the reversing manoeuvers (including parallel parking, bay parking and stopping on the right) can be found here.
Misuse of mirrors. This is a common failing in learner drivers, usually because all your concentration is on what’s happening in front of you, with little left over for what might be going on behind. However, you always need to know what's behind you in case you need to slow down suddenly. If you need to brake sharply, it’s best to know if there’s anyone behind you who’s likely to run into the back of you, especially if it's a big lorry that takes a long time to stop! So look in your rear view mirror occasionally (and always whenever you approach a hazard), and use your side mirrors before you overtake or change your position in the road. More info here.
Poor steering. You won’t be failed for crossing your hands on the steering wheel but you have less control on your steering when this happens. It’s best to get into the habit of using the push-pull technique, even if it is a bit awkward, because you keep the control even around sharp corners. Furthermore, you shouldn't take your hands from the wheel for any longer than necessary. So driving with one hand on the gear stick isn’t an option.
Incorrect use of signals. Every learner does it: takes a turning, or an exit on a roundabout, and expects the indicator to self-cancel (you’re even taught to leave it to self-cancel)... and then it doesn’t. Before you know it, you’ve lured everyone behind you into thinking you’re taking a small side street to your left, and they’re mildly annoyed to find you’re actually not. A good way to avoid this is to nudge the indicator back into the middle (neutral) position as you realign the steering wheel.
As for Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre, the name says it all. Check your mirror and only then, if it is SAFE to move out, can you signal your intention to move. Don’t whack your indicator on and expect someone to let you out – it’s arrogant and will probably lead to a serious driving fault.
Poor speed control. It really is worth your life to stick to the speed limit – or, at least, someone else’s life. Speed limits are there for a reason, and yes, there are times when we’re in a rush or it’s simply not practical to stick to the limit. But a driving examiner needs to know that you can stick to the limit, and that you can tell when a limit has changed and act appropriately (it’s surprising how many people fail to notice the big red and white signs with huge numbers on, but they do).
It’s also important you don’t go too slowly. This turns you into a hazard for other cars rather than reducing the chance of you encountering hazards yourself, and is also excruciating to behold. This holds especially true at junctions. Yes, it might be a busy road, but that doesn’t mean you can wait ten minutes for a gap big enough to fit you and the fifteen cars waiting behind you. If you see an opportunity that’s safe, go for it. Don’t get bogged down in being too careful. That way madness lies...
Moving away safely. When moving off, the POM method should always be used. When moving off on a hill ALWAYS use the handbrake unless your car is fitted with hill start assist and you know how to use it. Wait until there’s a big enough gap between you and any approaching vehicles before moving off. Remember that you will be moving off slowly and approaching vehicles could be coming up the hill fast. Take careful observations before moving off - don't rush - and remember that objects in your rear view mirror may be closer than they appear to be. Delay your gear changes as oyu drive up the hill.
Right turns. If you indicate to turn right and stop in the middle of your lane while you're waiting for a gap in oncoming traffic you'll block the road for people behind you who may wish to carry straight on. If the oncoming traffic flow is particularly heavy this could mean you’re keeping them waiting for a long time.
Also, don’t forget to check your right mirror before you turn. Someone might have flashed to let you go, but they might not have seen the motorcyclist coming up on your right and if you don’t check your mirrors, you won’t see them either.
What happens if you don't see the motorcyclist next to you before you turn (video)
Positioning (normal driving)
The examiner is checking to see that you are positioning the car appropriately within the width of the road as you are driving along. In particular the examiner is checking to see that you:
- Keep your car in the centre of the left hand side of the road unless the road is particularly wide in which case keep to the left about a metre from the kerb
- Adjust your position as necessary so that you can safely deal with hazards ahead and behind
- Avoid moving in and out between parked cars unnecessarily
- Position yourself in the correct lane early and avoid unnecessary lane changes
- Keep to the middle of any lane markings if possible
- Only use the right hand lane or lanes on a dual carriageway for overtaking or turning right unless road markings or signs indicate otherwise.
If all this makes you a bit nervous. here’s a last little fact. The current national pass rate for driving tests is only 43%, with most learners needing to take their test 2-3 times before passing - so if the worst comes to the worst and you fail, be comforted in the knowledge that you’re still in the majority. Work hard, listen to your driving instructor and you'll do it next time!
1. DVSA, Helping Parents Understand the Learning to Drive Process, [December 2023]
- Safe Driving for Life, An Examiner's Tale, January 8, 2015
- DVSA, The Top Ten Reasons for Failing a Driving Test, 2024
- Learner Driver Centres Ltd, Road Positioning and Lane Discipline
- ibid, Reverse Parking
Got a question about learning to drive, the driving test or the theory test? Get in touch and we'll help!