A simple left turn can have many potential hazards, from tight turnings, badly parked cars, or cyclists and pedestrians that could be crossing your path.
If you want to keep yourself and other people safe, it’s important to follow the correct procedure when approaching and negotiating the turn.
How to turn left
You should follow the MSPSL (Mirror, Signal, Position, Speed and Look) procedure. Starting from the bottom of the diagram, this procedure is as follows:
- Mirror Once you have located the left turn up ahead, look into the interior mirror, followed by the left door mirror.
- Signal You will need to signal to the left just after checking the mirrors.
- Position The position of your car depends on the width of the left turn and the width of the road you are currently on. If the width of the left turn you intend on taking is narrow, you may need to position your car further to the right before taking the turn. This will allow for a wider turning angle and avoid hitting the kerb or mounting the pavement.If the road you are currently on before taking the left turn is reasonably wide and the left turn is reasonably wide, position the car to the left side of the road.
- Speed Left turns are usually taken in 2nd gear at around 10-15 mph. If the left turn is very narrow and closed, 1st gear at around 5 mph may be required.
- Look Before taking the left turn, a final check in the left mirror is required and possibly the left blind spot in case of cyclists.
Left turn hazards
Just before making the final left turn, check the left mirror and if unsure, also check the left blind spot for cyclists, especially in busy areas.
Prepare for any hazards upon taking the turn such as pedestrians crossing the road just as you are about to turn and cars parked closely to the junction. Just like T-junctions, a left turn can be closed and difficult to see what is around the turn.
Accidents can easily happen if you are not well prepared. As the driver, you should always give way to cyclists and pedestrians crossing the road, even if it means stopping in an inappropriate area.
Closed and open left turns
Try to establish as early as possible if the left turn is closed (blind) or open (clear). Accidents can frequently happen when drivers make a left turn that is closed and they are driving too fast or under-prepared for any hazards. A closed left turn can be difficult to see around due to trees, hedges or fences.
If the left turn is closed and narrow, you will be required to slow the car down to an appropriate speed and gear. This is often 1st gear and around 5 mph before taking the turn.
Observation is important as you approach the left turn. You must use the appropriate gear and speed, but you must also prepare to give way to pedestrians, cyclists and hold back due to parked cars near the junction.
If the left turn is narrow, you will need to take a wider turning angle (keeping further to the right before making the turn). This will avoid you hitting the kerb and entering the left turn on the wrong side of the road.
Some tips
- Try to locate the turn as soon as possible by use of signs, road markings or gaps in trees and houses.
- Use the MSPSL (Mirror, Signal, Position, Speed and Look) routine.
- Establish if the left turn is open or closed so as to decide an appropriate speed and gear for making the turn.
- Take a final check of the left mirror before making the turn in case of cyclists.
- If the turn is narrow, take it wide so as to avoid hitting the kerb, mounting the pavement and you must try to avoid entering the left turn on the wrong side of the road.
With thanks to Driving Test Tips